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exemplary art projects
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12 exemplary art projects will be realised in the context of republicart, information about the projects will be added regularly.

City views - In between 07/02-03/04

regina 08-09/02

Organisational Forms (Ljubljana/Vienna) 09/02-02/03

VIVRE EN POF 09/02-02/03

Interventions (WochenKlausur, 09/02-03/05)

Inscribing the Temporal 01-02/03

Interference (Goldsmiths College, University of London, 07/03)

Q.E.D. (Shedhalle Zürich, 07-09/03)

re:public (Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga, 09/03)

Alternative Economics (Oliver Ressler / Galerija Skuc, Ljubljana, 10-11/03)

Atlas (Spaces in Subjunctive) (Alice Creischer, Andreas Siekmann / Kunstraum der Universität Lüneburg, 04/03-03/04)

Constructing opinion (OK Center for Contemporary Art, Linz, 03/04)


culture 2000  

All Contents with indicated Authors © by the Authors,
all other Contents © 2002-2004 by www.republicart.net
contact @eipcp.net I www.eipcp.net
EIPCP multilingual webjournal ISSN 1811 - 1696